Thursday, April 15, 2010

An Egg is Layed

I watched this chinstrap lay her egg up on 29, very cool.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Ride There

The drake can be cold...

On the way to put in the copa gals.

E seal, copa's Gentoos (some of them) and the Gould

Camp and Stuff

Epic Hack Arena, notice the sloping snow bank... oh yeah that's right.

I can't tell you how many times we had to dig this door out during the early season...

Weigh in for the big booty contest on the first day... I gained like 10 pounds and I still lost. I think Ray won with a weight gain of 15 pounds.

The skua shack, my home away from home.

The shop with our local gals and pups.

Not your typical night although we did have a few of these.

Penguino command center at the skua shack.

More skua shack

Landscape Pictures

To the left is where the glacier used to reach the beach so you could only go to punta oeste at low tide. Now it's receded enough you can go whenever you want. That is also where the majority of fossils are found. I loved hiking over here and hanging out on this side.

This was our first full day at the cape, on top of el Toqui

Colony 14

Colony 3

Media Luna

Just a few burgs... there is a penguin on one if I remember correctly.

First day after some shoveling and ice chopping.

Ballena, Bahia Mansa

A distorted (fish eye) veiw from my favorite colony up on a hill.

Earlier in the season different view from the same colony.

Chungungo Beach at low tide... I would be under water at any other time.

Camp under the mountains.

Feeding Chase

The feeding chases were probably just about my favorite thing at the cape. Especially the Gentoo ones when the chick's flippers were still super floppy and huge.

Yes... all those chicks were chasing it. Unfortunately I'm no good at posting these in order and the next picture should be before this one. I laughed so hard.


Vagrant King penguin. He showed up on one of our beaches for a day. A few weeks later I found a King head in the same general area...
They don't breed at the cape unfortunately. Very impressive bird though.

Gentoo Adults